Juneberry, also known as serviceberry, saskatoon, or Amelanchier, is a versatile and fruitful shrub that thrives in the northeast and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. Juneberries have stunning spring blossoms, vibrant fall foliage, and delicious, nutritious berries. Berries ripen here in New Jersey in mid to late June. Juneberry plants can be a great […]
6 Months Of Fruit
Getting to Know The American Persimmon Tree!
American Persimmon, often referred to Sugar Plums or Fruit of the Gods is one of North America’s forgotten fruits. Even though American persimmons grow wild in a large chunk of the eastern US, most people I meet have never even heard of persimmons, let alone tasted their amazing fruit! American Persimmons aren’t found in the […]
Illinois Everbearing Mulberry Trees
Mulberry trees are one of my favorite trees. Mulberry trees can produce tons of food for your family, livestock, and wildlife and above all that they are a great landscape tree. Why Grow Illinois Everbearing Mulberry Trees Illinois Everbearing Mulberry trees are the king of all mulberry trees in the Northeast. Illinois Everbearing is by […]
How to Grow Great Blueberries! Soil pH
It’s no secret blueberries are one of my favorite snacks. I love them so much that I grow hundreds of them every year. In the early years I had plants that failed to thrive, plants didn’t die but they never really took off either. Plants would get a few berries each year, way fewer berries […]
Winter Fig Tree Care
Growing trees is a long term deal. That the apple tree planted today needs to be cared for and looked after before it produces fruit for us. Fig trees, while they usually bear fruit sooner than most fruits, require this same care. Here in the Northeast we are right on the outer edge of most […]
No Weed Asparagus Bed: Video
Juneberry: The Best Fruit You’ve Never Heard Of!
Juneberry, yeah I know you have never heard of them, but since you are reading this, now you have! The next step is to actually taste them; this is easier said than done. Juneberry is native to many regions, among them is right here in the Northeast. Before I had ever tasted a Juneberry I have […]
What are Gooseberries? And why you should grow them!
“Gooseberries? What is a gooseberry? I have never even heard of them!” That is the reaction I most commonly get when we walk by mygooseberry patch. Up until recently my “lame dad joke”, as my wife likes to point out, has been, “it’s a berry that tastes like a goose, only sweeter!” Judging from the […]